National Plan for GHG emissions reduction at 2020


The Italian Minister for the Environment, Dr. Corrado Clini, presented yesterday the National GHG reduction plan for 2020 to the inter-ministerial committee for economic planning (CIPE). The plan is based on the EU targets and decarbonization strategy at 2050.
The measures include the creation of a ‘catalogue’ of technologies, systems and products for the decarbonization of the National economy; the introduction of a carbon tax (bringing resources to the Kyoto rotation fund); energy efficiency, distributed energy generation and development of smart grids and smart cities; green building and extension of the 55% tax credit for low carbon investments; the management of forests as carbon sinks and as a resource of biomass and bio-fuels.

These objectives “are aligned with technological innovation – explained Clini – and with the need of renovation of the production chains, and give to the European economy the opportunity to compete with that of US, India, China and Brasil, Countries which are heavily investing in new and low carbon technologies”.
The proposals fall into the scope of the National plan for the reduction of GHG emissions which Italy needs to implement in order to reach the targets identified by the EU energy and climate package (20-20-20).

[Source: Minambiente; Translation: MR Energy]

High Efficiency CHP

The deadline to present the requests for the  ‘High Efficiency CHP‘ certification (riconoscimento CAR) has been postponed to the 30th of April. The requests need to be presented through the new RICOGE portal of GSE.

CAR certification, introduced by decree law 8 february 2007, n.20 (transposition of Directive 2004/8/CE on promotion of co-generation of heat and power) as amended by DM 4th august 2011, allows the access to white certificates incentive scheme, as DM 5th september 2011.

If you need assistance for your CHP plant, please write to: 

GBC Home at Smart City

A great success for the presentation of GBC Home in Trento, with more than 200 people attending the conference and the presentation of the pilot cases, seven front-running projects which are adopting the new protocol as a ‘sustainability quality certification’.

The launch of GBC Home captured the attention of the important media Radio24 and the program ‘Smart City’, which dedicated an issue to GBC Home™ and LEED®, which can be played by clicking here (in Italian).

MR Energy now member of GBC Italia

With the formal approval of the Steering Committee during its meeting of March 2nd 2012, MR Energy has become an official member of GBC Italia, in the category “Utilities, ESCOs, and energy companies”.

Becoming part of the National Association confirms a strategy which started already one year ago:

“The efforts are surely paid back by the great results we are obtaining, and that will be confirmed next week with the launch of the new certification scheme GBC Home, in Trento. We can really obtain even more important results for our Nation, contributing to the recovery of a sector which is now suffering very hardly the economic crisis. For this reason the President, the Executive Board and all GBC members are working hard to convince Public Administrations about the importance of using tools such as GBC Home to put in place sustainable development programs for the cities and the territories of their competence. This is, by the way, required by the existing and upcoming European Directives”.

The declaration of Mauro Roglieri, Administrator of MR Energy Systems, member of the Executive Board of GBC Italia, in charge for international affairs. He coordinates the activities of the Policy Task Force of GBC Italia and he is a member of the Policy Task Force of the European Network of WGBC (World Green Building Council).

Kyoto Rotation Fund

The Kyoto Rotation Fund will be finally active since the 15th of March, Ministry of Environment Corrado Clini commented during a conference in Rome. The Kyoto Rotation Fund has been awaited longly by operators. SMEs, PAs or individuals will now benefit from a 0,5% interest rate financial tool to realize their energy efficiency projects (including building sector), distributed generation (tri-generation in particular), or small renewable energy production plants. The initial size of the fund will be € 600 mil, while extra € 400 mil could be added after the auction of the 2013-2020 emissions trading allowances will be finalized (and debts with ETS new entrants since 2009 will have been paid off). Source:

New Executive Board for GBC Italia

The 20th of January 2012. the Steering Committee (Council) of GBC Italia appointed three new members of the Executive Board. The function of the Executive Board is “to develop the plan of activities and the related budget in order to actuate the strategic plan decided by the steering committee” (statute art.18). President Mario Zoccatelli and Vice-President Marco Mari will therefore be supported by three other members of the Council: Francesco Bedeschi, Gianluca Padula and Mauro Roglieri.

Sustainability as a strategic asset


Emissions Trading

‘Zero impact’ does not exist. Human activities have always had an impact on the environment, since they involve the consumption of resources and energy. Over the centuries, industrial and technological development have dramatically improved our living standard and guaranteed us health, well being, protection from extreme events, food supply and boundless mobility. At which price. Our impact on the environment and climate has increased more and more, reaching today a level which is not sustainable anymore for our planet.

Policy Development

Governments around the world agree that there is an urgent need of a change in this trend. Many policies have been developed at national, European or international level aiming at the broad adoption of best practices which make our activities more sustainable.
Change is not easy though, because it requires us  to change our habits as producers and as consumers too. But we need to act, and we need to do it quickly.

[Continue reading about our Vision..]

Why a Green Economy?

Does a economic development model exists where the three parameters society, health and environment have the same weight? Since a few years, energy and climate sustainability have become an integral part of global discussion about the future of our planet. Energy supply has always been a key element for every country’s government, as well as for any single person. But today people do have a different and higher understanding of the convenience of a sustainable development. The recent environmental disasters in the Mexican Gulf and in Fukushima had an impact on the development of global policies.

It’s from those basis that the green economy has started, an economy aware of environmental impact, which reduces wastes, rather than generating them, and reduces the consumption of non renewable resources, giving the right price to externalities. A low carbon economy, based on renewable energy, caring of social needs.

MR Energy is the consultant which can guide you through your sustainable development path, from strategy until execution of technological solutions. find out how in the  dedicated pages.

Enjoy your Green Economy!