MR Energy Systems and Greenhouse Gas Management Institute cooperate to expand reach of carbon management education to Italy

Link al comunicato pdf:  2014_07_09_Press_Release ITA; 2014_07_09_Press_Release EN

MR Energy Systems and Greenhouse Gas Management Institute cooperate to expand reach of carbon management education to Italy

e-learning courses on GHG monitoring, reporting and verification


Venezia, Italy (9th July 2014)


MR Energy Systems (MR Energy), the leading provider of consulting engineering in the field of sustainability, and the Greenhouse Gas Management Institute, the leading trainer on greenhouse gas accounting and verification, are delighted to announce that they will be cooperating to expand carbon management education to Italy.


Many countries and regions are establishing policies, including the creation of carbon markets, designed to cut the emissions that cause climate change. An increasing number of companies are establishing GHG emission reduction targets, both in reaction to such policies, and voluntarily, as a strategic response to the risks associate to climate change.  An effective and credible GHG management system is a cornerstone for the success of any such initiative. To support this process in Italy, MR Energy will now be delivering GHG Management Institute courses to Italian students, practitioners, and leaders. This collaboration will provide Italian government, industry, and academia with a comprehensive overview of carbon management —from the background and principles of carbon accounting and monitoring, to detailed specifics of GHG reporting and verification.


Commenting on the collaboration, Mauro Roglieri, MR Energy’s General Manager, said, “Our e-learning platform, MR Energy Academy, reflects our commitment to provide the market with effective services and tools to support the transition to a sustainable economy. We believe that knowledge is always the first and main driver for change. This is why we’re really proud to announce the Partnership with GHG Management Institute, surely a high quality standard guarantee for Italian operators.”
Michael Gillenwater, Dean of the GHG Management Institute, said, “The Institute is delighted to be partnering with MR Energy to expand its training curriculum and grow the community of greenhouse gas experts around the world, which we believe is essential to addressing climate change.“




About MR Energy Systems

MR Energy Systems is an Italian Consulting Engineering company, with many years of experience in the field of carbon & energy management and other services related with climate change mitigation. MR Energy Systems supports public and private organizations to lower their energy and environmental impacts towards a sustainable economy. MR Energy Academy is an on-line education platform, created by MR Energy Systems to share its experience and know-how with a wide range of professionals.


For more information, go to 

Watch a short video here:


About the Greenhouse Gas Management Institute


The Greenhouse Gas Management Institute is a nonprofit organization focused on training and education. The Institute’s mission is to train and develop a global community of experts with the highest standards of professional practice in measuring, accounting, auditing, and managing greenhouse gas emissions; meeting the needs of governments, corporations, and organizations large and small.


For more information, go to


Two DOHA weeks

Started the 26th of November and ending the 7th of December, COP18, the 18th conference of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is being held this year in DOHA, Qatar.

Back in 1992, countries joined an international treaty, the UNFCCC, to cooperatively consider what they could do to limit average global temperature increases and the resulting climate change, and to cope with whatever impacts were, by then, inevitable.

The Kyoto Protocol, defined during COP3 in Kyoto, and entered into force in 2005, legally binds developed countries to emission reduction targets. The Protocol’s first commitment period started in 2008 and ends in 2012.

At COP17 in Durban, governments of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol decided for a second commitment period, from 2013 onwards, which could last 5 or 8 years.

In the last years, emissions of developing economies have doubled, becoming higher than those of developed countries. The urgency of coming to a new global agreement has been repeated many times this year by IEA, World Bank, PWC and many others, waiting for the publication of the fifth IPCC’s report. In fact, if we want to limit global warming to +2°C, we need to act now.

DOHA’s delegates need to work very hard during these two weeks, in order to sort out the three folowing main items:

  • Kyoto Protocol: define the continuation until 2020 and probably its phase out, shifting the carbon market into a new agreement
  • Long-term Cooperation Agreements, LCA: probably end the work, keeping what is good (Green Climate Fund and Technology Executive Committee) shifting it into the new agreement
  • Ad-hoc Working Group on Durban Platform for Enhanced Action, ADP: main discussion item, set-up a strong path and working program until 2015, conveying issues like GCF, TEC, global carbon market, adaptation fund, etc.

The future agreement, based on ADP, needs to overcome distinctions between developing and developed economies (Annex I and non Annex I), if we really want to have some hope to meet the 2°C target (many think that we already missed this target).

Two weeks of very important work for the +10.000 delegates.

Sources: “DOHA Climate Change Conference”, David Hone “Expectations for COP18 in DOHA”, Carlo Carraro “AAA cercasi nuova architettura politica per il clima”.

Extreme events: the cost of climate change

Tomorrow, 20th April 2012, at Isola di San Giorgio Maggiore (Venezia) an important event to know more about one of the consequences of greenhouse gas effect, with the participation of Sergio Castellari, National Focal Point of IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) and Jaroslav Mysiak, distinguished and experienced researcher in water economics and governance, climate risk and adaptation. Start at h.4. p.m.