Tag sostenibilità

Plastic Free Venice Lagoon

The event, which will be held on September 20 in Venice at the Hotel Ca ‘Sagredo in Palazzo Morosini Sagredo, aims to raise awareness and promote a dialogue between citizens, hoteliers and municipal institutions on the sustainability of Venetian hotel facilities. The intervention is a response to the global emergency concerning the excessive presence of plastics in the environment and the need to urgently find solutions to redundant and incorrect use. Specifically MR Energy, in the person of its founder Ing. Mauro Roglieri, will illustrate the new environmental certification protocols applied to buildings, which also concern the production and management of waste.

 Event details

Lombardy Region approved the Call for energy efficiency improvement of SMEs

Following the provisions of Legislative Decree 102/2014 and the Ministerial Decree of 12 May 2015, Lombardy Region has approved the call “ Bando per l’efficientamento energetico delle PMI ” to support  SMEs, in the realization of energy audits or the adoption of the ISO 50001 management system in one or more of their operational headquarters located in Lombardy, up to a maximum of 10 sites.

Resources allocated by Lombardy account for EUR 2,271,132, 50% from the Region and 50% from the central State.

The contribution covers 50% of costs incurred by SMEs for:

  • The realization of energy audits carried out in compliance with Annex 2 of the Legislative Decree no. 102/2014. Compliance with the criteria set out in Schedule 2 is assessed according to the technical standards UNI CEI 16247 – 1-2-3-4. Energy audits must be obligatorily carried out by the entities listed in Article. 8, paragraph 1 of Legislative Decree 102/14, or energy service companies ESCOs, experts in energy management or energy auditor certified by bodies accredited in accordance with Article 8, paragraph 2 of Legislative Decree no. 102/14.
  • The implementation of the energy management system compliant with ISO 50001, proven by a certificate of conformity issued by the third body, independent and accredited in accordance with Regulation (EC) No. 765/2008 of the European Parliament and the European Council of 9 July 2008, or signatory of the international mutual recognition agreements. The implementation of the energy management system should cover the entire operational headquarters and cannot be restricted to a single production line, or to a single sector of the same site.

The maximum contribution is:

  •  € 5,000 for each energy audit;
  •  € 10,000 for each adoption of the ISO 50001 management system.


The call is open to small and medium enterprises with the following requirements, by the date of application:

  • legal and operational sites for which the contribution is requested, placed in Lombardy
  • properly constituted and registered in the RI from at least 2 years from the 30/10/2015
  • in case of service enterprises, they have been established as companies
  • eligible for the de minimis regime.

Time and procedure of application

Starting from September 28, 2016, SMEs may apply for regional contributions, by the Information System “SIAGE”, upon registration of the enterprise reference person.

The allocation of the contribution will be in accordance with the chronological order of the lodging of applications.

How MR Energy Systems can help SMEs

MR Energy Systems is an accredited ESCO, with resources certified UNI CEI 11339 and with proven experience in the field of:

For more information see the new to the following address: https://goo.gl/wJYRfH and contact us to info@mrenergy.it.

MR Energy at EXPO Milano 2015

Biocasas_82Buildings in which we work and live, are responsible for 80% of greenhouse gas emissions globally. This is due to energy consumption for lighting, summer air conditioning, winter heating, but also to the use of natural resources and building materials which create additional greenhouse gas emissions while being produced and disposed at the end of their life cycle.

Welldom, with Biocasa_82, commissioned by Claudia and Enrico Moretti Polegato (President Diadora, VP Geox), demonstrated how a building, in this case a residential house, can achieve the highest standards of respect for the environment throughout its entire life cycle, resulting at the same time an extremely comfortable place to live.

Biocasa_82 is compliant with the international standard of sustainability LEED for Homes at ‘Platinum’ level, but Welldom wanted to calculate analytically the reduction of GHG emissions throughout the life cycle, compared to the construction of a traditional building in Class C. This study was commissioned to MR Energy.

On 14th September 2015, the project will be presented to the public at EXPO Milano 2015.

Following this link to the event invitation.

Energy Response at Construction21Expo!

The 14th and 15th of May 2014, do come and visit our Energy Response booth at the virtual fair ‘Construction Expo 21’, at the ‘North Sea’ pavillon.

The Energy Response team is waiting for you… or your avatar, for a virtual coffee and a real chat!

The first virtual expo for the green
building industry across Europe
DO BUSINESS MATCHING with real estate investors,
designers, consultants, project developers, technology,
materials and many other important stakeholders in
sustainable building.
and political issues of the international green building
Attend livestream presentations, browse
exhibitors’ booths, swap business cards, make
Skype calls or chat with other participants, all
from your own computer with your own

Innovation in construction sector

Given the importance of this subject, we report here entirely an article published by World Green Building Council as a report of the meeting chaired by WGBC at the European Commission in November 2013. Hope you find it interesting.

What does ‘Innovation’ mean for the construction sector?

Nov 07, 2013

The title of this article was the question posed in the opening plenary of the European Commission’s recent ‘Innovation in Construction’ conference, chaired by the Europe Regional Network.

Opening Plenary of Innovation in Construction Conference

However, this conference wasn’t about dream projects and fanciful concept stage products as the name might suggest to some. It was very much about the hard reality that has stared the sector in the face for a number of years: we need to innovate to ensure the heart of our industry can come off life support and start beating strongly once again.

Antti Peltomäki, Deputy Director-General of DG Enterprise and Industry noted at the outset of the conference that “there is significant pressure for the construction sector to adapt and evolve in the face of high energy prices, environmental concerns and increased competition from non-EU operators”. Indeed, this year’s ‘World Green Building Trends’ report demonstrated that European enterprises are very much in a global green building race, with green building activity on the rise around the world.

Antti Peltomäki, Deputy Director-General of DG Enterprise and Industry speaking at Innovation in Construction

The buzzword of the day was ‘competitiveness’. Pleasingly, the concept of long-term economic competitiveness is becoming increasingly synonymous with that of sustainability in EU construction dialogue. This mainstreaming of sustainability in the wider dialogue about competitiveness was consolidated last year by the Commission’s ‘Strategy for the sustainable competitiveness of the construction sector and it’s enterprises’.

The Strategy is a long-term policy vision for the sector released by DG Enterprise and Industry in summer 2012 that is currently being taken forward by a high level strategic forum and a number of thematic groups. This work sits alongside work by DG Environment on EU sustainable building policy, which the Network has recently responded to in its Sustainable Buildings Paper, setting out a vision for market transformation.

What is clearly agreed across the Commission is that innovating to lead on sustainability will be key to our sector’s long-term competitiveness, at home as well as in an increasingly global market. How we create an EU policy framework that will help transform the market towards sustainability is the big question now.

Another common theme from the day that emerged strongly alongside ‘competitiveness’ was ‘collaboration’, which reflects the key message in our recent report ‘A New Era in Building Partnerships’. The central importance of cross-sector collaboration in achieving more innovative, sustainable and valuable outcomes is a core principle at the heart of Green Building Councils and their whole value-chain member communities. Interestingly, one of the proposals put forwards at the conference was that supply chain collaboration ought to be more explicitly promoted by EU policy.

In conclusion, the conference evidenced a growing belief that innovative short-term thinking is not really true innovation at all, and that partnership is the new leadership when doing business.

The author James Drinkwater is Senior Policy Advisor to WorldGBC’s Europe Regional Network

James Drinkwater speaking at Innovation in Construction

Stefan van Uffelen, Dutch GBC speaking at Innovation in Construction

Antonio Paparella, European Commission speaking at Innovation in Construction

Audience at Innovation in Construction

– See more at: http://www.worldgbc.org/regions/europe/ern-blogs/general/what-does-innovation-mean-construction-sector/#sthash.woLspsmf.dpuf

Ecomondo 2013 – “Carbon Footprint, LCA, Environmental Product Declaration – a path towards sustainable materials””

MR Energy Systems at Ecomondo 2013 presents how to reach important commercial results while abating products environmental impact.

06/11/2013 – 14:30 -17:00  Memo
Venue: Sala Girasole Hall Est lato pad.D7

Edilizia Materiali Qualità Certificazione

A cura di GreenProducts

Ottimizzare il rapporto fra edificio, energia, ed ambiente, rientra nelle finalità dei vari protocolli di qualità e certificazione, conseguentemente i singoli materiali impiegati nella costruzione devono corrispondere a determinati requisiti di sostenibilità.

Ore 14.00 | Registrazione
Ore 14.30 | Inizio lavori
Prospettive e scenari futuri della certificazione LEED
Mario Zoccatelli – Presidente GBC Italia
Schemi di certificazione: Carbon Footprint, LCA, Environmental Product Declaration
Mauro Roglieri – MR Energy Systems srl – Consigliere GBC Italia
L´evoluzione e la scelta dei materiali nei grandi cantieri LEED
Stefano Ferri – Presidente Polistudio – Consigliere GBC Italia
Qualità Ambientale Interna: requisiti per i materiali basso-emissivi
Francesco Balducci – Responsabile di Laboratorio  Cosmob SpA
La progettazione e scelta dei materiali secondo i criteri di certicazione LEED
Fabio Betti – GreenProducts
Il portale dei materiali per l´edilizia certificata
M. Paolo Semprini . GreenProducts

Ore 17.00 Discussione e Chiusura dei lavori

SAIE 2013 – “Certification Schemes: Carbon Footprint, LCA, Environmental Product Declaration”

MR Energy Systems at SAIE 2013 presents how to reach important commercial results while abating products environmental impact.

Sala Bolero – Centro Servizi – Saie Bologna Fiere
Viale della Fiera, 20

Bologna, ore 10.30, Thursday 17th october 2013.

Complete program and registration: click here

Ore 10.30 | Registrazione
Ore 10.45 | Inizio lavori

Prospettive e scenari futuri della certificazione LEED
Mario Zoccatelli – Presidente GBC Italia

Schemi di certificazione: Carbon Footprint, LCA, Environmental Product Declaration
Mauro Roglieri – MR Energy Systems srl – Consigliere GBC Italia – Consigliere GBC Italia

Qualità Ambientale Interna: requisiti per i materiali basso-emissivi
Christian Gabbani – Area Chimica Cosmob SpA

L’evoluzione e la scelta dei materiali nei grandi cantieri LEED
Gianluca Padula – Studio Garretti Associati – Consigliere GBC Italia

La progettazione e scelta dei materiali secondo i criteri di certi?cazione LEED
Fabio Betti – GreenProducts

Il portale dei materiali per l’edilizia certificata
M. Paolo Semprini – GreenProducts

ATTESTAZIONI: Attestato di partecipazione

La partecipazione alla Giornata di Studi è gratuita ed aperta a tutti, previa iscrizione dal sito web. L’attestato di partecipazione, da scaricarsi in seguito dal sito www.assform.it sezione utenti, assieme agli atti del seminario, verrà rilasciato esclusivamente a coloro che avranno effettuato l’iscrizione via web.

Our Article on Qualenergia

Quale_Energia1Published on n.2/2013 of Magazine Qualenergia an article by Mauro Roglieri and Iris Visentin about LEED, GBC and more in general aboput the benefetis of adopting sustainability rating systems of buildings to reach CO2 reduction targets.

Full article in Italian: http://www.qualenergia.it/articoli/20130520-green-building-council-il-rating-edificio

Meet MR Energy in Ecomondo, Rimini

MR Energy Systems will be present at Ecomondo, Rimini, Wed 7-Fri 9 November 2012,inside the VEGA area (Science and Tech pole of Venezia), STAND A4, Hall B7 D7 “sustainable city”, close to gate ‘EST’.

The agenda of events where MR Energy will take part:

November 7 – Green Economy States General of the Green Economy (as GBC Italia delegate)

November 8 – Green Economy States General of the Green Economy (as GBC Italia delegate)

November 7 – h 17.00: “THE INNOVATION SOFA”,Mauro Roglieri, CEO MR Energy, “The Green R-Evolution”

Download the hall map with indication of Stand A4 to find us.

Visit the exibition web-site

For more info write to: info@mrenergy.it

Green territory development

Recorded in the Antenna 3 Studios in Padova, the episode of the talk show ‘Parlare d’Abitare’, talking about living, has been transmitted in the past days by ADA Channel, a digital TV channel specializing in building industry. Franco Frison, Secretary of the National Council of Architects, Mauro Roglieri, as Executive Officer of Green Building Council Italia and Igino Zanandrea director of the AT&T Associates, discuss with the presenter, Cristina Catarinicchia, the ways to develop or re-qualify our territory making sure it becomes more sustainable, and how to ensure that results are measured.

International Policies are strong drivers to this change, and EU is allocating important economic resources exactly with the aim of obtaining quick and relevant results in terms of sustainable development of buildings and territory. Tools as those developed by Green Building Council Italia, but also training and education, specific competences are absolutely necessary to stay in line with these changes and market transformation, and be the first movers in the market. Enjoy the video (in Italian).

If you don’t manage to see the video, please click here.