Category Carbon Management


Siamo entusiasti di annunciare che la lampada ONE, progettata parametricamente e stampata in 3D da Fablab Venezia (, ha ottenuto il prestigioso Red Dot Design Award 2024 nella categoria sistemi illuminanti, conquistando il titolo di Best of the Best!

MR Energy Systems ha contribuito a questo straordinario progetto, curando gli aspetti di sostenibilità ambientale e Carbon Footprint. Questa collaborazione, insieme al talento di Brian Rasmussen (designer –, e Più Led Custom Design (illuminotecnica –, ha permesso di raggiungere uno dei più ambiti riconoscimenti nel mondo del design.

Questo traguardo non è solo un riconoscimento del nostro impegno, ma anche un esempio di come l’innovazione sostenibile possa guidare il futuro del design.

Emissions Trading: reduced allocation of free allowances for new entrants

The European Commission adopted new measures to implement the judgment issued last April 2016 by the Court of Justice.

As reported in our previous  article, the judgment had invalidated the cross-sectoral correction factor (CSCF) used to allocate free allowances from 2013 to 2020 to stationary installations in the scope of EU-ETS, granting 10 months to the Commission to establish a new amount.

The recently approved Decision (linked at the bottom of this article), defines the new CSCF to be applied to all new allocations adopted after 1 March 2017: new entrants installations and increased capacity of existing ones will receive a reduced free allocation of about 5% compared to the current system.

As defined by the judgment, recalculations will not affect the allocations already approved, that will remain unchanged, except in case of variations in activity or capacity levels, as already defined by the current Regulation on monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions.

As already provided in Directive 2009/29/EC, the allocation of free allowances for district heating and high-efficiency cogeneration is not subject to the CSCF.

In the short term this Decision is not expected to have a material impact on carbon market.

The new correction factor will not be applied to the allocations in the period 2021 – 2030, that will follow the stricter linear reduction factor currently discussed in the European Parliament.


Link to the full text of the Decision (EU) 2017/126:

New fees charged to EU-ETS operators

Italian Decree 25 July 2016 specified the new fees in charge of Italian stationary installations operators of and aircraft operators.

Some examples of the most common fees and upcoming deadlines:

  • Operator holding accounts: 180 € / year / account – first payment before 15 October 2016.
  • Allowances allocation and reporting: 250 € – first payment before 24 October 2016.
  • Approval / review of authorisation and monitoring plan: 250 € – payment before submitting the request.
  • Updates of authorisation and monitoring plan: 62 € – payment before submitting the request.

The typical Italian operator will be charged of about 500-1000 euro / year / plant, depending on the frequency of the compulsory updates.

For further information, operators can refer to the institutional pages of the National Emission Trading Committee (link) and the Italian Administrator of the Union Registry (link)

MR Energy supports operators to accomplish EU-ETS obligations. Contact us! 

Link to the full text of the Decree (link)

Emissions Trading: free allowances to 2020 shall be re-determined

On 28th April 2016 the EU Court of Justice declared invalid the maximum annual amount of free allowances for greenhouse gas emissions determined by the Commission for the period 2013-2020.

The judgment is a consequence of the legal actions that a number of companies included in the scope of ETS brought before the courts in Italy, the Netherlands and Austria against the National Authorities entrusted with the allocation of GHG allowances. The subject of dispute was the calculation method applied to define the maximum annual amount of allowances.

As a consequence, the Cross Sectoral Correction Factor (CSCF) applied to preliminary allocations with Decision 2013/448/EU is not valid and shall be re-calculated on the basis of new data to be provided by the Member States; the maximum annual amount of allowances could be higher or lower than that thus far determined by the Commission.

The Commission is granted 10 months to establish a new amount, whereas the previous allocations of allowances cannot be called into question.

The full text of the judgment is available on the CURIA website

MR Energy at EXPO Milano 2015

Biocasas_82Buildings in which we work and live, are responsible for 80% of greenhouse gas emissions globally. This is due to energy consumption for lighting, summer air conditioning, winter heating, but also to the use of natural resources and building materials which create additional greenhouse gas emissions while being produced and disposed at the end of their life cycle.

Welldom, with Biocasa_82, commissioned by Claudia and Enrico Moretti Polegato (President Diadora, VP Geox), demonstrated how a building, in this case a residential house, can achieve the highest standards of respect for the environment throughout its entire life cycle, resulting at the same time an extremely comfortable place to live.

Biocasa_82 is compliant with the international standard of sustainability LEED for Homes at ‘Platinum’ level, but Welldom wanted to calculate analytically the reduction of GHG emissions throughout the life cycle, compared to the construction of a traditional building in Class C. This study was commissioned to MR Energy.

On 14th September 2015, the project will be presented to the public at EXPO Milano 2015.

Following this link to the event invitation.

Come and meet us at Smart Energy Expo

MR Energy Systems will take part in the Smart Energy Expo, 2014 edition (Verona fair – Italy)

On October 8th, Marco Zanetto will present an Industrial case study from Small Medium Enterprises on energy efficiency in Italy.

The EURAC workshop ‘Voluntary tools in the implementation of the European low carbon strategy in Italy: the Covenant of Mayors and other instruments for public – private partnerships at local level‘, will be held next Wednesday in the ‘Smart City & Communities’, from 10:00 to 15:00.

EED transposed into Italian Regulation

Directive 2012/27/EU was transposed into Italian Decree 102/2014.

Here follow a short review of the main news.

Renovation of public bodies’ buildings will be applied to minimum 3% of the whole area (about 400.000 m2 / year). With a public investment of 355 million euros in the period 2014-2020. The local authorities contribute to achieving the objective.

Purchasing by public bodies will follow the National Green Public Procurement Plan and other National regulations on high energy-efficiency performance of products, services and buildings.

Energy efficiency obligation schemes was set up, confirming the White Certificates as the main system to achieve  cumulative end-use energy savings target by 31 December 2020.

Large Enterprises and energy-intensive enterprises shall carry out energy audits or implement an energy management system. Public funding will be available for SME to voluntary carry out energy audits or implement an EMS.

Energy Performance Contracts are promoted and minimum items to be included are provided.

New buildings and renovation of existing buildings satisfying high energy efficiency standards can benefit from volume bonuses and derogations to urban standards.

The National Fund for Energy Efficiency was established for: a) energy efficiency in public buildings; b) the development of district heating and cooling; c) energy efficiency services and public infrastructure; d) energy efficiency of residential buildings and social housing; e) energy efficiency in the industrial sector.

With this Decree Italy finally gets in line with EED, and provides an allocation of 800 million euros from 2014 to 2020 for energy efficiency.

MR Energy Systems @ Greenbuild Expo 2013 – Philadelphia

MR Energy Systems is exibiting at GreenBuild Expo 2013, the most important Expo on Green Building worldwide, gathering venue for the international LEED community.

MR Energy Systems brings @ Greenbuild its experience in consulting engineering for sustainbale buildings including:

  • LEED – GBC Italia – consulting services
  • Energy Dynamic Symulations
  • Energy monitoring systems, Building Automation Systems, Energy Response Platform
  • Sustainbale materials consulting: LCA, Carbon Footprinting, EPD
  • Strategic consulting, policy analisys & development

Come and meet us together with the other Italian companies at the ICE-Italian Trade Promotion Agency booth # 1011 .
For more information, do not hesitate to contact us:

SAIE 2013 – “Certification Schemes: Carbon Footprint, LCA, Environmental Product Declaration”

MR Energy Systems at SAIE 2013 presents how to reach important commercial results while abating products environmental impact.

Sala Bolero – Centro Servizi – Saie Bologna Fiere
Viale della Fiera, 20

Bologna, ore 10.30, Thursday 17th october 2013.

Complete program and registration: click here

Ore 10.30 | Registrazione
Ore 10.45 | Inizio lavori

Prospettive e scenari futuri della certificazione LEED
Mario Zoccatelli – Presidente GBC Italia

Schemi di certificazione: Carbon Footprint, LCA, Environmental Product Declaration
Mauro Roglieri – MR Energy Systems srl – Consigliere GBC Italia – Consigliere GBC Italia

Qualità Ambientale Interna: requisiti per i materiali basso-emissivi
Christian Gabbani – Area Chimica Cosmob SpA

L’evoluzione e la scelta dei materiali nei grandi cantieri LEED
Gianluca Padula – Studio Garretti Associati – Consigliere GBC Italia

La progettazione e scelta dei materiali secondo i criteri di certi?cazione LEED
Fabio Betti – GreenProducts

Il portale dei materiali per l’edilizia certificata
M. Paolo Semprini – GreenProducts

ATTESTAZIONI: Attestato di partecipazione

La partecipazione alla Giornata di Studi è gratuita ed aperta a tutti, previa iscrizione dal sito web. L’attestato di partecipazione, da scaricarsi in seguito dal sito sezione utenti, assieme agli atti del seminario, verrà rilasciato esclusivamente a coloro che avranno effettuato l’iscrizione via web.

Commission clears way for harmonised free allocation to industry for phase three

The European Commission adopted a decision on Member States’ national implementation measures (NIMs) for phase three of the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS).

The actual number of allowances handed out each year will be adjusted by a ‘cross-sectoral correction factor’ which will vary each year. This will ensure that the total amount handed out for free does not exceed a maximum set in the ETS Directive. The correction factor will be 5.73 % in 2013 and will thereafter increase gradually to 17.56% in 2020.

It is now for Member State authorities to take the necessary steps to distribute the free allowances to installations via their accounts in the Union registry. This will take around one to three months depending on the procedures to be followed in each Member State.

The original article is available in the EC web page.