Voucher Innovation Manager

Sono aperti i termini per la presentazione delle domande di accesso ai voucher per consulenza in innovazione. E’ possibile inserire la domanda attraverso la procedura indicata nel seguente link del Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico https://agevolazionidgiai.invitalia.it, scegliendo e indicando il professionista registrato nell’elenco dei Manager qualificati. In caso di richiesta di voucher per servizi di Simulazione e Sistemi cyber-fisici, di Integrazione e sviluppo digitale dei processi aziendali e di Internet delle cose e delle macchine, puoi contattarci al nostro indirizzo mail info[@]mrenergy.it.

COSTRUIRE GREEN – Il valore dell’innovazione e della ricerca

Si è tenuto giovedì 14/11/2019 l’evento “Costruire Green – Il valore dell’innovazione e della ricerca” che ha visto la partecipazione di aziende e Università, oltre che dei soci della sempre più importante rete regionale “VeGBC – Venetian Green Building Cluster”. L’incontro è stato un momento di condivisione di esperienze, competenze e in particolare ha dato l’opportunità ai partecipanti di conoscere quelli che potrebbero essere i materiali, le tecniche e le soluzioni eco sostenibili per il futuro dell’edilizia.

COSTRUIRE GREEN Il valore dell’innovazione e della ricerca

MR Energy Systems, nella persona dell’Ing. Mauro Roglieri, Vicepresidente RIR Venetian Green Building Cluster, condurrà i lavori, nell’evento “Costruire Green – Il valore dell’innovazione e della ricerca – Nuove soluzioni tecnologiche e di prodotto per un’edilizia sempre più digitalizzata” che si terrà giovedì 14/11/2019 dalle 09:30 alle 13:00 presso la Cittadella dell’edilizia – Banchina dell’Azoto, 15 – Mestre (Ve).

Le università e le aziende venete sono conosciute in tutto il mondo per la loro capacità di innovare. Ciò oggi consente anche alla filiera delle costruzioni di diventare protagonista di percorsi di ricerca e sviluppo orientati alla sostenibilità. È un’esigenza ormai riconosciuta anche a livello istituzionale. In questa direzione vanno, infatti, le politiche della Regione Veneto a sostegno di Reti innovative come RIR VeGBC che promuove l’integrazione di sistema puntando alla valorizzazione di nuovi progetti, per consentire da un lato una crescita competitiva del settore delle costruzioni del Veneto e allo stesso tempo per favorire l’affermarsi di un’edilizia sempre più sostenibile.
In questo ambito si colloca il seminario del 14 novembre che costituisce il primo momento di approfondimento tecnologico in vista della definizione e dell’approvazione da parte della Regione del progetto di Ricerca e sviluppo della Rete destinato ad avviarsi nel 2020.

Per il programma completo, ulteriori dettagli e per la registrazione gratuita: www.vegbc.org/events/costruire-green-il-valore-dellinnovazione-e-della-ricerca/

Plastic Free Venice Lagoon

The event, which will be held on September 20 in Venice at the Hotel Ca ‘Sagredo in Palazzo Morosini Sagredo, aims to raise awareness and promote a dialogue between citizens, hoteliers and municipal institutions on the sustainability of Venetian hotel facilities. The intervention is a response to the global emergency concerning the excessive presence of plastics in the environment and the need to urgently find solutions to redundant and incorrect use. Specifically MR Energy, in the person of its founder Ing. Mauro Roglieri, will illustrate the new environmental certification protocols applied to buildings, which also concern the production and management of waste.

 Event details

The start of a new innovation network: “Venetian Green Building Cluster”

Press release

Venice, 25 September 2018


The new Regional Innovative Network brings together the Veneto operators in the building and construction supply chain to accelerate the green transformation of the entire sector; corporates, universities and trade associations in the Veneto region join forces to create a network dedicated to innovation in the field of sustainable construction. This is the mission of the Venetian Green Building Cluster which brings together operators in the building and construction supply chain, with the aim of accelerating the green transformation of the entire sector, supporting urban regeneration and sustainable building processes, promoting new business models connected to the development of smart cities, to Industry 4.0, to the transformation of the real estate market, to the limitation of land consumption.

For further info and to join the Network, wirte at chapter.venetofvg @ gbcitalia.org

Emissions Trading: reduced allocation of free allowances for new entrants

The European Commission adopted new measures to implement the judgment issued last April 2016 by the Court of Justice.

As reported in our previous  article, the judgment had invalidated the cross-sectoral correction factor (CSCF) used to allocate free allowances from 2013 to 2020 to stationary installations in the scope of EU-ETS, granting 10 months to the Commission to establish a new amount.

The recently approved Decision (linked at the bottom of this article), defines the new CSCF to be applied to all new allocations adopted after 1 March 2017: new entrants installations and increased capacity of existing ones will receive a reduced free allocation of about 5% compared to the current system.

As defined by the judgment, recalculations will not affect the allocations already approved, that will remain unchanged, except in case of variations in activity or capacity levels, as already defined by the current Regulation on monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions.

As already provided in Directive 2009/29/EC, the allocation of free allowances for district heating and high-efficiency cogeneration is not subject to the CSCF.

In the short term this Decision is not expected to have a material impact on carbon market.

The new correction factor will not be applied to the allocations in the period 2021 – 2030, that will follow the stricter linear reduction factor currently discussed in the European Parliament.


Link to the full text of the Decision (EU) 2017/126: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=uriserv:OJ.L_.2017.019.01.0093.01.ENG&toc=OJ:L:2017:019:TOC

MR Energy takes part in D-nest International Inventors Exhibition

MR Energy takes part in D-nest International Inventors Exhibition, the innovation festival held on October 13 to 16 in Venice at the Venice Gate Pavillion.

Innovating also means changing the way you ‘design’ objects, thinking to the energy and climate sustainability since their conception. Visit our stand inside the D-nest International Inventors Exhibition, and discover the story of Kiddy Design, the new line of Kid Pass products, that we have helped in developing a study of environmental impacts through a special LCA.

The pavilion hosting the event, the Venice Gate Pavillon, is LEED Gold certified. MR Energy Systems has supported the designers and builders in order to predict the consumption of the building and optimize it, by taking all measures to reduce the impact of construction and operation phases. The building has been certified by a third party independent organization using the LEED protocol.

This is innovation!

New fees charged to EU-ETS operators

Italian Decree 25 July 2016 specified the new fees in charge of Italian stationary installations operators of and aircraft operators.

Some examples of the most common fees and upcoming deadlines:

  • Operator holding accounts: 180 € / year / account – first payment before 15 October 2016.
  • Allowances allocation and reporting: 250 € – first payment before 24 October 2016.
  • Approval / review of authorisation and monitoring plan: 250 € – payment before submitting the request.
  • Updates of authorisation and monitoring plan: 62 € – payment before submitting the request.

The typical Italian operator will be charged of about 500-1000 euro / year / plant, depending on the frequency of the compulsory updates.

For further information, operators can refer to the institutional pages of the National Emission Trading Committee (link) and the Italian Administrator of the Union Registry (link)

MR Energy supports operators to accomplish EU-ETS obligations. Contact us! 

Link to the full text of the Decree (link)