Energy Response a Construction 21 Expo
I giorni 14 e 15 maggio, venite a visitarci presso il nostro Stand Virtuale alla fiera Construction Expo 21: http://www.construction21expo.eu
Create il vostro ‘avatar’, e senza alcuna fatica teletrasportatevi allo stand Energy Response, al padiglione ‘North Sea’.
Il team Energy Response vi aspetta per presentarvi i suoi servizi e prodotti!
The first virtual expo for the green building industry across Europe WWW.CONSTRUCTION21EXPO.EU
DO BUSINESS MATCHING with real estate investors, designers, consultants, project developers, technology,
materials and many other important stakeholders in sustainable building.
ATTEND GREEN BUILDING DEBATES on the latest trends and political issues of the international green building
Attend livestream presentations, browse exhibitors’ booths, swap business cards, make Skype calls or chat with other participants, all from your own computer with your own avatar!